IALA-NET Web Statistics

Revision as of 18:16, 13 July 2010 by Oferiks (talk | contribs) (1 revision: Legacy from old ialanet installation MV1.15)
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The web based statistics generator is a basic IALA-NET service:


Please note, that in order to keep costs down and performance up, the IALA-NET database can only be expected to contain data for the last few preceding weeks. This helps keeping IALA-NET free of charge.

Note also that the data you get are "as is", i.e. IALA is not in any way responsible for the quality or accuracy of the data provided. In this respect IALA-NET is just a data exchange mechanism.

If you are concerned in any way about the data quality, you should perform your own quality assurance.

The IALA-NET statistics generator has the following capabilities:

  • Ship report (vessel movements within specified period)
  • Passage line statistics (count of vessel passages across configurable passageline)
  • Passage line histogram (distribution of where vessels pass a configurable passageline and in which direction)
  • Passage line data (A table of vessel data for each passage of a configurable passageline)

If you do have an IALA-NET account, you can reach this application here: http://iala-ais-stat.frv.dk

Here you find a Short User Guide