

Showing 465–480 of 726 results

ID Title Last revised date Format
e-Navigation Underway Asia Pacific
LAP Extraordinary meeting 3
IALA Seminar on Arctic Navigation
R0149 R0149 Accreditation of Training Organisations PDF: English
Preparatory Diplomatic Conference
Level 1 AtoN Manager Course
G1119 G1119 Marine beacon coverage prediction 16 December 2016 PDF: English
G1118 G1118 Marine casualty – incident reporting and recording including near-miss situations as it relates to VTS 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1116 G1116 Selection of rhythmic characters and synchronisation of lights for Aids to Navigation 16 December 2016 PDF: English
G1117 G1117 VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) Overview 16 December 2022 PDF: English
IALA 14th VTS-ENAV Symposium
19th IALA Conference
Preliminary results of the IALA VTS Questionnaire 19 August 2016 PDF: English
Report – Workshop – IALA – AIS AtoN (real and virtual) developments and their uses 07 November 2016 PDF: English
Workshop on Common Phraseology and Procedures for VTS Communications
Workshop on Sustainable Light and Power for the Next Generation (IALABATT/IALALITE)