

Showing 337–352 of 726 results

ID Title Last revised date Format
G1173 G1173 Ed1.0 AtoN Training and Awareness for Mariners 16 December 2022
G1174 G1174 Ed1.0 Radar reflectors for marine aids to navigation 16 December 2022
G1175 G1175 AtoN Equipment and Structures Exposed to Extreme Environmental Conditions 16 December 2022
G1176 G1176 How to Promote Safety Culture in VTS 16 December 2022
G1177 G1177 Portrayal of VTS information 16 December 2022
G1178 G1178 An introduction to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) from an IALA perspective 16 December 2022
G1179 G1179 An introduction to the Internet of Things from an IALA perspective 16 December 2022
G1180 G1180 Resilient PNT 14 December 2023 PDF: English
G1181 G1181 VDES VDL Integrity Monitoring 14 December 2023 PDF: English
A12-01-F GA Resolution A12-01 – Changement du statut de l’AISM pour celui d’organisation intergouvernementale 27 May 2014 PDF: French
A12-01-E GA Resolution A12-01 – IALA Change of Status for that of an International Intergovernmental Organization 27 May 2014 PDF: English
A13-01 GA Resolution A13-01 – Approval of amendments to the Constitution – Adoption des amendements aux statuts 29 May 2018 PDF: English, French
A13-02 GA Resolution A13-02 – Approval of the strategic vision for the period 2018-2026 – Adoption de la vision stratégique pour la période 2018-2026 29 May 2018 PDF: English, French
A13-03 GA Resolution A13-03- Approval of Standards – Adoption de normes 29 May 2018 PDF: English, French
A13-04 GA Resolution A13-04 – Establishment of a World Marine Aids to Navigation Day – Création d’une Journée mondiale des aides à la navigation maritime 29 May 2018 PDF: English, French
General Assembly