Showing 1–16 of 26 results

ID Title Last revised date Format
G1167 G1167 VTS Management 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1166 G1166 VTS in Inland Waters 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1160 G1160 Competencies for planning and implementing a VTS 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1081 G1081 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation 10 June 2021
G1141 G1141 Operational procedure for delivering VTS 28 June 2024 PDF: English
G1156 G1156 Recruitment, Training and Certification of VTS Personnel 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1150 G1150 Establishing, Planning and Implementing a VTS 03 June 2022 PDF: English
G1149 G1149 VTS Training for Deck Officers 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1144 G1144 Promulgating the Requirements of a VTS to Mariners – A VTS Users Guide 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1045 Annex G1045 Annex – Calculation spreadsheet for staffing at VTS centres 14 December 2018 Excel: English
G1142 G1142 The Provision of Local Port Services other than VTS 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1132 G1132 VTS Voice Communications and Phraseology 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1131 G1131 Setting and Measuring VTS Objectives 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1130 G1130 Technical Aspects of Information Exchange between VTS and Allied or other Services 16 December 2022 PDF: English
G1118 G1118 Marine casualty – incident reporting and recording including near-miss situations as it relates to VTS 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1111 G1111 Establishing Functional Performance Requirements 16 December 2022 PDF: English