News & Events


IALA-IHO Joint Workshop on S-100/200 Development and Portrayal

IALA and IHO in association with the Norwegian Coastal Administration are hosting a technical Workshop on S-100/200 development and portrayal, to be held in the Scandic Parken hotel, Aalesund, Norway on 8 – 12 June 2020. EVENT POSTPONED

A flyer will be available soon.

Heritage Seminar

The 4th Heritage Seminar ‘The Challenge of Change’ will be held in the city of Salvador, Brazil at the CEMCOHA. EVENT POSTPONED

Farol de Santo Antonio da Barra. Photo by Tunisio Alves Filho

Council70 – Documents approved

Here is the list of documents approved at last council meeting. They are now downloadable from the Guidance Documents section of the website:



Port Traffic Signals (Ed. 1.2)


The Implementation of Vessel Traffic Services (Ed. 3.0)


Sustainability in the Provision of Marine Aids to Navigation (Ed. 2.0)


Responsible Design, Operation and Maintenance on the provision of Marine AtoN (Ed. 1.0)


Provision of Maritime Services in the context of e-navigation in the domain of IALA (Ed. 1.0)



Determination of required luminous intensity for marine signal lights (Ed. 1.0)


VTS Training for Deck Officers (Ed. 1.0)


Establishment of Vessel Traffic Services (Ed. 1.0)


Maintenance of AtoN Structures (Ed.1.0) – revokes Guidelines G1007 and G1076


SBAS Maritime Service (Ed. 1.0)


Template for the review of emerging technologies for possible use by IALA members (Ed. 1.0)

Model Course

Level 1.1 Marine Aids to Navigation Management Course (Ed.3.1)

IALA supports the IMO World Maritime Day on the theme Empowering Women in the Maritime Community

The 47th session of the VTS Committee meeting is held at HQ this week and IALA wishes to put light on the women in maritime attending the committee. This VTS committee is chaired by Ms Monica Sundklev and working groups chairs comprise women as well.

Happy World Maritime Day 2019!

L’AISM soutient la journée mondiale de la mer organisée par l’OMI sur le thème de l’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes.

La 47ème session de la commission VTS se tient au siège cette semaine et l’AISM souhaite mettre en avant les femmes du secteur maritime qui sont présentes. Cette commission VTS est présidée par Mme Monica Sundklev et la présidence des groupes de travail comprend également des femmes.

Joyeuse journée mondiale de la mer 2019 !

AtoN Manager Courses in Spanish language in Colombia

During the IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event in Cartagena, IALA signed an Agreement with the Escuela Naval Almirante Padilla (ENAP) Colombia on Aids to Navigation Managers training. This is an important development as it is the first Accredited Training Organisation in Spanish language for the region. The first Level 1 AtoN Manager Course is scheduled to take place next year. ENAP will also host the Training Seminar on the Use of the IALA Risk Management Toolbox in November this year. It is a great pleasure to work with such a professional organisation and motivated team. Watch the video provided by ENAP.


IALA Conferences 2022 and 2026

Here are the dates and locations of future IALA Conferences : 2022 in Brazil and 2026 in India!

Group photo at the IALA Conference 2018 in Republic of Korea.

The 69th session of the IALA Council took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands from 18 to 21 June 2019.

Council 69

The 69th session of the IALA Council took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands from 18 to 21 June 2019.

The full report is available for members to download:

Please find here a list of the approved Guidelines at this session:

The Council approved the revised guideline G1046 – Response Plan for the Marking of New Wrecks (Ed.2).

The Council approved guideline G1133 – Requirement Traceability.

The Council approved the revised Model Course L1.3 on Risk Management.

The Council approved guideline G1143 – Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources.

The Council approved guideline G1145 – Application of Retro-reflecting Material on AtoN.

The Council approved the revised guideline G1091 – Bird Deterrents (ed.2).

The Council approved the note with an amendment to be made by the Secretariat to avoid having the last sentence leading to think that the total radar band width may be narrowed.

The Council approved guideline G1144 – Promulgating the Requirements of a VTS to Mariners – A VTS Users Guide Template.

The Council approved guideline G1139 – The Technical Specification of VDES (Ed.3).

They can all be found on the website under Guidance Documents.