PAP - 43

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This meeting contains 10 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
4.1 4 Coordination
Document title: PAP43- Attachment 2 - ARM13-8.4.1 WP ARM Maritime Service Guideline development V1.3 (PAP42- (ARM12-8.4.6)
Originator: PAP42
18 Nov 2021
4.1 4 Coordination
Document title: PAP43-4.1.1 Proposal on updating cross-committee procedures (PAP42-
Originator: PAP42
18 Nov 2021
4.1 4 Coordination
Document title: PAP43- Attachment 1 - Letter to VTS Committee Chair and WG1 Chair - Task 1.2.4 (PAP42-
Originator: PAP42
18 Nov 2021
2.1 2 Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: PAP43-2.1.1 Action items from PAP42
Originator: IALA Secretariat
18 Nov 2021
1.2 1 Introduction
Document title: PAP43-1.2.1 Provisional Agenda rev.1
Originator: IALA Secretariat
18 Nov 2021
5.2 5 Committee facilitation
Document title: PAP43-5.2.1 Ammendment to the Basic Documents Regarding Intersessional Meetings
Originator: IALA Secretariat
18 Nov 2021
5.1 5 Committee facilitation
Document title: PAP43-5.1.1 Proposed Committee Working Arrangements
Originator: IALA Secretariat
18 Nov 2021
5.1 5 Committee facilitation
Document title: PAP43- Draft IALA Committee Working Arrangements
Originator: IALA Secretariat
18 Nov 2021
3.1 3 Review of input papers
Document title: PAP43-3.1.1 Input Paper List
18 Nov 2021
8. 8 Report of the meeting
Document title: PAP43-8.1 Report of PAP43
Originator: IALA Secretariat
17 Mar 2022
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