
E-bulletin Archive: 2019

Training Seminar on the IALA Risk Management Toolbox

The IALA World-Wide Academy, will run a training seminar on the IALA Risk Management Toolbox – IWRAP Mk2; PAWSA and Simulation – from 20 – 24 May 2019 at IALA Headquarters in Saint Germain-en-Laye, France. The seminar will provide an international overview of risk management stressing the importance of stakeholder liaison before demonstrating the value […]

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VTS46 and Workshop on VTS Voice Communication

The 46th Session of the VTS Committee was held at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Busan, Republic of Korea between the 25 February and 1 March 2019. The meeting was hosted by the Korea Coast Guard who also arranged a technical tour and social programme. 101 Participants from 25 countries, 3 Sister organisations and 4 […]

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Message du secrétaire général

La perspective de la conférence diplomatique pour l’adoption du projet de convention qui se tiendra début 2020 marque une étape importante pour la transition de l’Association vers le statut d’organisation inter-gouvernementale. Plus d’informations sur les résultats de la troisième conférence diplomatique préparatoire, superbement organisée par la direction générale de la sécurité côtière turque à Istanbul […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

The prospect of the Diplomatic Conference to adopt the draft Convention taking place in early 2020 marks a defining step towards the Association’s transition to Intergovernmental Organization status. More information on this latest development – the result of the Third Preparatory Diplomatic Conference superbly hosted by the Turkish Directorate-General for Coastal Safety in Istanbul from […]

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e-Navigation Underway International Conference 2019

The ninth e-Navigation Underway International conference was held from 6th to 8th February 2019 on board the DFDS ferry M/S Pearl Seaways, during which time she sailed from Copenhagen to Oslo before returning to Copenhagen. The theme for the conference was Benefits and Barriers when Implementing New Technologies. Welcoming remarks were given by the conference […]

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IALA World-Wide Academy visited the Arabian Maritime and Navigation Aids Services

In January 2019 Mr Kevin Gregory, Education and Development Manager from the IALA World-Wide Academy visited the Arabian Maritime and Navigation Aids Services (AMNAS) in Muscat, Oman. During the visit, a facilitation briefing was provided on the accreditation and approval process for Marine Aids to Navigation Manager training courses and on how to effectively delivery […]

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Seminar on the IALA Risk Management Toolbox, Colombia

The World-Wide Academy conducted a training facilitation visit to Dirección General Marítima (DIMAR) Colombia to provide a briefing on the accreditation process to deliver the Level 1 AtoN Manager Course. Vice Admiral Juan Manuel Soltau Ospina, General Maritime Director of DIMAR, expressed a clear commitment to support the goals of IALA and thereby support the […]

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Seminar on IMO Resolution A.857(20) for Vessel Traffic Services

The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) is hosting a Seminar on updating IMO Resolution A.857(20), Guidelines for Vessel Traffic Services, in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, 26-27 June 2019. Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) are recognised internationally as a navigational safety measure through the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea […]

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L’AISM en route pour son changement de statut

La conférence diplomatique pour l’adoption officielle de la convention qui gouvernera l’AISM en tant qu’organisation inter-gouvernementale aura lieu en 2020 et sera accueillie par le gouvernement malaysien. Lors de la clôture de la troisième conférence diplomatique préparatoire, superbement organisée par la Direction générale de la sécurité côtière de la République de Turquie à Istanbul, le […]

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IALA 3rd Preparatory Diplomatic Conference and WWA Seminar on the Safety of Navigation

IALA is on its way to Intergovernmental status The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), which has National members in 82 coastal States around the world, will call a Diplomatic Conference in early 2020 to adopt a new legal framework on its transition from an international non-governmental association to an […]

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68th session of the IALA Council

The 68th session of the IALA Council was held at IALA Headquarters from 11 to 14 December 2018. After wishing a warm welcome to all those present the Secretary-General explained that since the last Council meeting in Korea IALA had been very busy. Together with the activity the workload had continued to grow.  The membership […]

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Master of AtoN Management Course

The first Master of AtoN Management course was delivered by the Academy in IALA Headquarters from 3 to 7 December 2018, the week before Council 68. The 15 participants came from Bahrain; Brazil; Eire; India; Malaysia; the Netherlands; Papua New Guinea; the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom, most of them senior managers or […]

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China MSA Level 1 Course

The fourth China MSA Level 1 AtoN manager course was delivered from 9th October to 1st November 2018 using expert lecturers including the Vice Dean and ten Chinese IALA World-Wide Academy Alumni who had gained international certificates of competency as Level 1 Managers from 2015 to 2017. The course included practical First Aid and leadership […]

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IALA says fond farewell

IALA staff said a fond farewell to four great colleagues who left in December upon the termination of their limited-term consultancy contracts. The Secretary-General hosted a convivial evening with a fine dinner in a St Germain-en-Laye restaurant in honour of Deputy Secretary-General Michael (Mike) Card, World-Wide Academy Vice Dean Stephen Bennett, and Committee Secretaries Seamus […]

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ENUW International 2019 welcomes you next month!

Registration is open for next month’s e-Navigation Underway International Conference – the ninth in the series – which once again will take place on board the Danish passenger ferry Pearl Seaways while sailing from Copenhagen to Oslo and back, from 6 to 8 February. Under the title of “Paving the Way for a Digital Maritime […]

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First World Marine Aids to Navigation Day set to be on July 1st 2019

On 12th September 2018 the Secretariat invited Members of all categories to submit proposals for the theme of the first World Marine Aids to Navigation (WAtoN) Day, which was established by the General Assembly at its 13th Session on 29th May 2018 and published as Resolution A13.04. By the deadline of 1st November, twelve Members […]

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PROYECTO DE CONVENCIÓN DE IALA: próxima Conferencia Pre-DIPCON en Estambul

Se recuerda a los miembros nacionales y representantes de los gobiernos que deseen participar en la Tercera Conferencia Pre-Diplomática (Pre-DIPCON) para continuar la lectura detallada del borrador de la Convención de IALA el requisito de completar su registro en línea: https: //www.iala lo más pronto posible. Deben hacerlo antes de la Conferencia, que será […]

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Projet de convention de l’AISM: prochaine conférence diplomatique préparatoire à Istanbul

Nous rappelons aux membres nationaux et aux représentants des gouvernements souhaitant participer à la 3ème conférence diplomatique préparatoire, pour continuer la lecture détaillée du projet de convention de l’AISM, qu’ils doivent procéder à leur inscription en ligne dès que possible et dans tous les cas avant la conférence, qui sera accueillie par le gouvernement turc […]

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