
E-bulletin Archive: 2017


La 43a Sesión del Comité VTS se celebró en la sede de la AISM del 20 al 24 de marzo de 2017. Asistieron 78 Delegados de 29 países, 3 organizaciones hermanas y 1 observador en VTS43. Significativamente, esto incluye a 22 Delegados que participan por primera vez. Esta fue la sexta reunión del Programa de […]

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La 6ª Sesión del Comité ARM se celebró en la Biblioteca Pública de Seattle, Sucursal de la Biblioteca Central, Seattle, WA, EE.UU., del 23 al 28 de abril de 2017. Fue la sexta reunión del Programa de Trabajo 2014-2018. Participaron 42 delegados de 21 países, una organización hermana y un observador. Esto incluyó a 6 […]

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La sexta reunión del Comité ENG (ENG6) se celebró del 27 al 31 de marzo de 2017 en la sede de la AISM. Asistieron a la reunión 56 participantes de 24 países, de los cuales 34 eran miembros nacionales, 10 eran miembros industriales, 7 eran miembros asociados y 5 eran observadores, mientras que 7 de […]

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La 20ª reunión del Comité ENAV (ENAV20) se celebró en la Sede de la AISM del 13 al 17 de marzo de 2017. Asistieron a la 20ª sesión del Comité ENAV 137 personas de 29 países y 5 organizaciones hermanas, de los cuales 33 participaron por primera vez y 2 fueron observadores. El Comité examinó […]

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IALA WWA Distance Learning

The IALA World-Wide Academy delivered its first formal one-week Level 1 AtoN manager Module 3 course in its Headquarters from 3 to 9 April 2017. The course was attended by four participants; 2 from Trinity House Lighthouse Service (THLS – Mr Peter Douglas and Mr Robert Dale) and one each from the Northern Lighthouse Board […]

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MNTI accreditation

The Director-General of Lighthouses and Lightships (India) and IALA Councillor, Shri J S Chauhan, inaugurated the new VTS  simulator at the Marine Navigation Training Institute (MNTI), Kolkata in the presence of the IALA Secretary-General, Francis Zachariae, on 2 May 2017. MNTI has started the process of formal accreditation by DGLL to deliver IALA model courses […]

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La sixième session de la commission ARM s’est déroulée à la bibliothèque publique de Seattle, dans l’état de Washington, aux USA du 23 au 28 avril 2017. Il s’agissait de la sixième réunion pour le programme de 2014 à 2018. 42 délégués de 21 pays, une organisation sœur et 1 observateur ont participé à ARM6. […]

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The 6th Session of the ARM Committee was held at the Seattle Public Library, Central Library Branch, Seattle, WA, USA from 23 to 28 April 2017. It was the sixth meeting for the 2014-2018 Work Programme. 42 Delegates from 21 countries, one Sister Organisation and 1 observer participated in ARM6. This included 6 participants for […]

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La sixième réunion de la commission sur l’ingenierie et le développement durable (ENG6) s’ est déroulée du 27 au 31 mars 2017 au siège de l’AISM. Pour cette session, il y a eu 56 participants de 24 pays, parmi lesquels 34 nationaux, 10 industriels et 7 associés ainsi que 5 observateurs. 7 étaient des nouveaux […]

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The sixth meeting of the ENG Committee (ENG6) was held from 27th to 31st March 2017 in IALA HQ. The session was attended by 56 participants from 24 countries, of which 34 were National Members, 10 were Industrial Members, 7 were Associate Members, 5 were observers. 7 participants attended for the first time. The Committee […]

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La 43ème session de la Commission sur les services de trafic maritime (VTS) s’est déroulée du 20 au 24 mars 2017 au siège de l’AISM. 78 délégués de 29 pays, 3 organisations sœurs et 1 observateurs ont participé à cette 43ème session. Point significatif : il y avait 22 nouveaux participants parmi ces délégués. Il s’agissait […]

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The 43rd Session of the VTS Committee was held at IALA Headquarters from 20 to 24 March 2017. 78 Delegates from 29 countries, 3 sister organisations and 1 observer participated in VTS43. Significantly, this included 22 participants for the first time; This was the sixth meeting for the 2014-2018 Work Programme and the VTS Committee […]

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La 20ème réunion de la Commission sur l’e-Navigation (ENAV20) s’est déroulée du 13 au 17 mars 2017 au siège de l’AISM. 137 personnes de 29 pays et 5 organisations sœurs ont participé à la 20ème session de la commission ENAV, dont 33 nouveaux participants et 2 observateurs. La Commission a étudié 144 documents et produit […]

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The 20th meeting of the ENAV Committee (ENAV20) was held in IALA Headquarters from 13th to 17th March 2017. 137 people from 29 countries and 5 sister organisations, attended the 20th session of the ENAV Committee, of which 33 participants were new and 2 were observers. The Committee considered 144 input papers including presentations and […]

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e-Navigation Underway Asia-Pacific

THEME: IMPLEMENTATION IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC REGION  18 – 20 JUNE 2017  LOTTE HOTEL, JEJU ISLAND, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Organized by the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and supported by IALA and the Danish Maritime Authority, the e-Navigation Underway Asia-Pacific Conference will focus on the harmonized implementation of e-navigation in the Asia-Pacific region, […]

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Only one year to go to the 19th IALA Conference in Incheon!

Time flies and busy Members may well have marked off already in their 2018 diary the period from 27 May to 2 June for their participation in the 19th IALA Conference in Incheon, Republic of Korea. The chosen theme for the Conference builds on IALA’s motto of “Successful Voyages, Sustainable Planet” and focuses specifically on […]

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Mensaje del Secretario General de la AISM Francis Zachariae

Me complace mucho que la Primera Conferencia Diplomática Preparatoria celebrada en París los días 18 y 19 de abril haya tenido éxito en dar un paso importante y concreto para lograr el cambio de status de la AISM al de una organización intergubernamental. Se llegó a un acuerdo sobre una hoja de ruta hacia una […]

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Message du Secrétaire Général de l’AISM Francis Zachariae

Je suis très heureux que la première Conférence diplomatique préparatoire qui s’est déroulée à Paris les 18 et 19 avril dernier ait été un succès et ait permis une avancée concrète vers la mise en place du changement de statut de l’AISM pour celui d’organisation inter-gouvernementale (OIG). Un accord a été trouvé sur la feuille […]

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Message from IALA Secretary-General Francis Zachariae

I am very pleased that the First Preparatory Diplomatic Conference held in Paris on 18 and 19 April was successful in taking an important, concrete step towards achieving IALA’s change of status to that of an intergovernmental organization (IGO). Agreement was reached on a Roadmap towards a full-fledged Diplomatic Conference to adopt the new IALA […]

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IALA contributes to new Arctic Forum

Secretary-General Francis Zachariae has been invited to make a presentation on IALA’s work related to safe and environmentally sound Arctic Shipping at a high-level meeting in London on 5 and 6 June 2017. The meeting will be the first of the newly established Arctic Shipping Best Practice Information Forum, an initiative of the Arctic Council’s […]

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