
E-Bulletin June 2024

Message du Secrétaire Général

Dans 10 semaines, le magnifique centre de convention d’Incheon « Songdo ConvensiA » va ouvrir ses portes à la 19ème conférence de l’AISM. Les membres qui souhaitent y participer doivent s’inscrire en ligne dès que possible ( La clôture des pré-inscriptions à prix réduit est le 13 mai.

La conférence qui va officiellement débuter le lundi 28 mai et se terminer le samedi 2 juin sera précédée d’un forum d’une journée sur la qualité du management maritime, animé par le doyen de l’académie mondiale de l’AISM. La participation est gratuite mais le nombre de places est limité à 70 participants. Les membres intéressés doivent s’inscrire sans tarder et peuvent accéder au programme et à l’enregistrement en ligne :

Le choix du thème de la conférence est « Une nouvelle ère pour les aides à la navigation dans un monde connecté » avec pour but de se concentrer sur les défis posés par la croissance exponentielle du numérique. Plusieurs sessions techniques ont été programmées pour stimuler la discussion sur la communication  numérique et la gestion de l’information, l’innovation industrielle, et la gestion des risques. Ces sujets seront également mis en évidence lors de l’exposition organisée par le comité des membres industriels de l’AISM.

L’exposition sur le patrimoine mondial des phares sera un évènement incontournable d’Incheon 2018 et rappellera aux délégués l’importance de l’histoire des phares et du rôle vital qu’ils continuent de jouer en tant qu’aide à la navigation pour la sécurité maritime à travers le monde.

Nos hôtes coréens n’ont pas ménagé leurs efforts pour assurer la réussite de cette 19ème conférence de l’AISM qui promet d’être mémorable. Les participants peuvent trouver en ligne les dernières mises à jour sur le programme mais aussi des informations pratiques qui vont permettre un séjour agréable et une merveilleuse expérience :

Incheon est le portail maritime ultra moderne de la Corée. La ville offre un intéressant mélange d’innovation, d’esprit d’entreprise, de culture traditionnelle, et de superbes occasions de se reposer au bord de la mer et de découvrir l’environnement naturel exotique des îles environnantes.

Nos hôtes coréens et moi-même avons hâte d’accueillir les membres et partenaires de l‘AISM à Incheon 2018.

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous plus d’informations de la Corée sur la conférence:


Korea has been preparing to welcome the world, with February 16 marking 100 days until the start of the 19th IALA Conference 2018. Here are several things to know about the Conference:

Pre-Conference Forum


  • Date & Time: May 26, 2018 / 10:30-17:30
  • Venue: Room 116, Songdo ConvensiA
  • Participants: 70 registrants from 30 countries
  • Language: English
  • Theme: The Quality of Maritime Management – Development of the Quality of Coastal States’ Maritime Management

 Forum Registration

The Pre-Conference Forum will be free of charge. There is a limit of 70 participants. Registration is via the Pre-Conference Forum on-line registration system ( Lunch and coffee break will be provided.


※ For more details, please refer to the official website at

Don’t miss Fascinating Experiences!!!

19th IALA Conference provides Partner Persons who completed the registration procedure with a variety of Partner Programmes to feel and experience Korean Cultures.

 Korean Cultural Insight Tour: Get the Sense of Korea

Gwangmyeong Cave > National Museum of Korea > Bongwonsa Temple > Hongik University Mural Street

You may experience both Korea’s natural landscape, history and trends through this tour. Wine cave and Golden Waterfall in Gwangmyeong Cave which is the best cave theme park in Korea have a lot worth travelling. At National Museum of Korea, you will discover 220,000 cultural assets and exhibitions related to Korea and Asia, and confirm the tradition of Korean Buddhism for over 1000 years in Bongwon Temple as well. Also hope you do not miss the opportunity to experience a unique and culture in “Hongik University Street”, which is famous as artistic street scenery.

Incheon City Tour: Discover Incheon!

Songdo Central Park (Water Taxi) > The IFEZ (Incheon Free Economic Zone) PR Center (G-Tower) > NC Cube Canal Walk > Michuhol Traditional Food Culture Center > Hyundai Premium Outlets

With an international airport and seaport, Incheon, only an hour from Seoul, is the main gateway of Korea. Incheon Songdo Central Park is Korea’s first seawater park, and a famous attraction in Songdo. You may enjoy riding water taxis and a scenic view in there. Besides, the IFEZ (Incheon Free Economic Zone) PR Center is one of the landmark buildings in Songdo, most famous for its Sky Garden which is open to visitors in the day. Additionally, Michuhol Traditional Food Culture Center preserves and develops Korean cuisine. Making healthy food with fresh and in-season ingredients is a major objective of the Center. What’s more, NC Cube Canal Walk and Hyundai Premium Outlet are two of the largest shopping mall in Korea. Through Incheon City Tour, you may experience a various attraction of beautiful architectures and cultural sight in Incheon.

DMZ Tour: Pray for Peace

The 3rd Tunnel > Dorasan Station > Dora Observatory > Unification Village > Imjingak Pyeongwha Nuri Park > Myeongdong

For foreigners, DMZ has been the most popular tourist spot in Korea. The purpose of the zone is to prevent the recurrence of war between North and South Korea. The highlight of the route is to explore a tunnel dug by North Korea. The tunnel was discovered by South Army as the third one among four tunnels, hence named it “The Third Tunnel”. Through this programme, you may also visit Dorasan Station which is located in the northernmost part of South Korea. What’s more, Dora Observatory, Unification Village, and Imjingak Pyeongwha Nuri Park which are all the significant symbol of peace in Korea.

Seoul City Tour: Modern and Traditional Coexisted in Seoul

Gyeongbokgung Palace > Namsangol Hanok Village > N Seoul Tower > Gwangjang Market

Seoul, the capital of Korea, is the heart of Korea’s culture with over 600 years of history. It is home to many old historic sites like Gyeongbokgung Palaces, and places of traditional culture like Namsangol Hanok Village. Participants can enjoy a quick travel back in time as well as a leisurely walk through the calm and soothing atmosphere.

In addition, Seoul is a modern metropolis full of surprises. Boarding the top of N Seoul Tower, you may enjoy the outstanding panoramic views of Seoul. If you wonder how the ordinary citizens living in this rapidly developing city, Gwangjang Market must not be missed. Authentic Korean Street Food, traditional catering culture, and modern business mode, everything is merged here.

Easy Access from Anywhere in the World!


Don’t miss Pre-Registration!

The 19th IALA Conference recommends taking advantage of Pre-Registration for discounted rates.

Pre-Registration will close on May 13, 2018.

Category Pre-Registration

(1 Feb – 13 May, 2018)

Onsite Registration

(26 May – 2 June, 2018)

Full Conference Standard Fee 1,850 € 1,950 €
Partner Person 270 € 290 €
1 Day Full Conference Fee 550 € 600 €
Full Conference IALA Honorary Member 950 € 980 €
Full Conference Sister Organisation*

*Up to two delegates

1,700 € 1,800 €
Pre-Conference Forum Free N/A
Conference Dinner (Additional Ticket) 80 € 90 €
Gala Dinner (Additional Ticket) 80 € 90 €


The limit of the registration fee by credit cards is 3,000 €. If the registration payment exceeds the limit, kindly contact the 19th IALA
Conference Secretariat (

The registration for Pre-Conference Forum is free of charge, and it is recommended that you register for the forum as early as possible since it is limited to 70 attendees.

What’s New?

2nd IALA Pre-Diplomatic Conference 

The 2nd IALA Preparatory Diplomatic Conference took place from 7-8 February 2018 in Le Palais des Congres at the Mogador Place AGDAL Hotel in Marrakech, Morocco. The host organization for the 19th IALA Conference had a booth to promote the upcoming IALA Conference at the 2nd IALA Pre-Diplomatic Conference. The host organization showed various promotional videos on the 19th IALA Conference and the host city, Incheon. Visitors to the promotional booth also were presented a gift of Korean traditional lucky bag. The host organization hopes such promotional activities will help increase the Conference registration. “We have in mind that your interest and support leads to the success of the 19th IALA Conference.”, a host organization officer said. “We’ll give our best effort to make the 19th IALA Conference a best and prestigious event for the international Aids to Navigation community.”

1st Advisory Committee

MOF(Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries) held its first Advisory Committee meeting of the 19th IALA Conference 2018 in Seoul on 1st February. At the meeting, OH, Woon-yul, the Director General for Maritime Affairs and Safety Policy Bureau, presided over the advisory meeting. It has been established to function as a think-tank for the Conference preparation and work at its direction and also to provide advice on matters pertinent to the Conference. At the meeting, the Committee made recommendations concerning the Conference programme development including specific or general aspects of the Conference and resource allocation as well as Industrial Exhibition and World Lighthouse Heritage Exhibition.

e-Nav Underway International 2018

he 8th e-Navigation Underway International Conference 2018 was held from 24th to 26th January 2018 on board the DFDS ferry M/S PEARL SEAWAYS, during which time she sailed from Copenhagen to Oslo and then returned to Copenhagen. Insung PARK, on behalf of the Conference host organization, announced that the preparation for the 19th IALA Conference is under smooth sailing and introduced a variety of key events such as World Lighthouse Heritage Exhibition and Industrial Exhibition as well as the benefit of Early Bird Registration to participate in order to promote the success of the Conference. In addition to that, he asked that the IALA Conference still needs full supports and interests from all the relevant maritime communities and international bodies to lead it successfully and to contribute to innovation of Marine Aids to Navigation all over the world.

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