Experts on Arctic Navigation gathered for a Seminar at IALA Headquarters on 9 & 10 November 2017

Experts on Arctic Navigation gathered for a Seminar at IALA Headquarters on 9 & 10 November 2017

Taking into account the following topics:

Climate change is happening which is opening up new Polar routes and increasing summer availability.

Ice NavigationĀ needs specialist skills to support safe passage.

Arctic tourism is increasing and this is set to continue.

Conclusions of the seminar were:

A harmonized approach should be adopted for marking polar routes and providing digital services with common standards of provision, web-based services and other means.

IALA-NET is a suitable platform for exchanging and storing historical AIS data for statistical analysis and the use of Risk Management tools.

Since connectivity is a primary enabler for development in the Arctic, the limited communication infrastructure continues to be a major challenge.

VDES-SAT could provide virtual AtoNs and other e-navigation services in the arctic. The frequency allocation needs to be supported at ITU.

A multi-system approach should be developed for resilient PNT, using a mixture of GNSS and terrestrial systems and a multi-system receiver.

There is a significant shortage of hydrographic survey data to give a comprehensive set of (simplified) ENCĀ for Arctic voyages. Crowd sourcing of hydrographic data can give a significant contribution.

Please download the report here